Adapt to the changing environment
What is Blue Light?
The light from the sun is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and commonly described as ultraviolet, visible and infrared light. Visible light is made up of the colours violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red and their wavelengths blend in we each other and have no defined boundaries. Blue light is just one of the colours we perceive from sunlight and has a defined and narrow wavelength of 450 to 495 nm (nanometers).
This image shows the light spectrum shortly after sunrise
Why is blue light an issue?
Blue light isn’t an issue in its natural form from sunlight. The challenge we face today is that we have created technology that takes us away from the natural light cycles we are biologically connected to. By spending much of our time indoors using computers, phones, screens and different types of artificial lighting we have exposed ourselves to unbalanced light spectrums with unnatural colour temperatures at all the wrong times of day.
From sunrise part of the sunlight spectrum is blue light at a colour temperature of about 1800 kelvin and is naturally balanced with the rest of the light spectrum. We connect to this through our eyes, skin and gut which signals part of our waking cycle alongside a whole cascade of metabolic processes. In particular it sets your body clocks with your eye clock being set microseconds ahead of the rest of your body. When we look at a phone, computer or use artificial light, our biological pathways are bypassed which leads to circadian mismatches.
The colour composition of phone screens and computers are heavily biased by blue light, which is set at a much higher colour temperature of around 5700 to 6500k. In nature we receive this colour temperature at around solar noon so seeing this intensive light first thing in a morning, during the day or at night creates biological chaos by signalling to reset our body clocks to the wrong time. This in turn affects your circadian clocks which creates chaos for all the mechanisms linked to these.
If every cell in your body has its own clock gene designed to be connected to the natural rhythms of the solar cycles and they are continuously being reset to midday, is that a good thing?
We can see from these images taken from common devices how the light spectrum is different to natural light from the sun.

MacBook Screen

LED light bulb

Clear Incandescent Bulb
Blue light is powerful
Blue light also destroys melatonin by causing melanopsin dysfunction (photoreceptor in our skin acts like a blue light antenna), which in turn ruins apoptosis which is part of your regenerative processes. As apoptosis is tightly coupled with autophagy, that too is affected. If your regenerative mechanisms are failing, what then is the possibility that this continues to grow into a more serious condition?
Blue light is well known to destroy melatonin as part of the melanopsin dysfunction. So what is melatonin? It is your night hormone, it prepares you for sleep so it can get to work repairing and replacing cells. It acts as an antioxidant, stimulates the immune system and controls mitochondrial DNA, basically all the good repair work your body needs in a deep dark sleep cycle. If you aren’t sleeping well, you aren’t repairing well.
Another thing blue light does is destroy DHA recycling. DHA which is better known as fish oil works with sunlight to generate a charge in our cells using vitamin D as the charger. DHA is able to be recycled, however artificial blue light ruins the optimum recycling process meaning that without replenishing DHA, cellular energy is reduced. If you are interested in having optimal well being, be mindful that this accumulation of reduced cellular energy could potentially lead to greater symptoms. Couple this with the other broader but closely linked subject of non native EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and you are on a fast train down the wrong track of health.
Blue light is also linked to other eye disorders including macular degeneration, retinal ruptures, cysts, cancer and so on. Artificial blue light is especially damaging in low light conditions like at night under LED lights, using a computer or watching TV, this is because the pupil enlarges to let in more light and the retina receives a larger amount of blue light.
So what is the outcome? To be blunt, it’s a disaster on many levels. Light effects are non linear which means that small stimulus can create massive changes. In our biology, a single misdirection of biological signalling on a continuous basis can lead to multiple pathway alterations and over time, lead to numerous symptoms, illness and disease.
This whole journey is about protecting your eyes from the blue light destroying biology, DHA and melatonin. Natural blue light first thing in a morning sets off the process of creating ocular melatonin, artificial blue light at night destroys it. Bottom line is, protect your eyes from blue light.
When to use blue light glasses
Knowing when to use your blue light glasses is key to understanding how to protect yourself both from artificial blue light and avoid blocking out the natural blue light from the sun. Following these simple rules can have you back to an awesome nights sleep within days. Both types of lenses are for indoor use only and when in the presence of artificial light either from screens or overhead lighting. Please do not use these outdoors in sunlight, as you will affect the natural light frequencies which we need to connect to.
Daytime ClearBlok and DayBlok Lenses
Rama yellow BluePeak glasses are for indoor use during the day, especially at work, under artificial lighting while using the computer. Do you sit in meeting rooms or work under fluorescent light using computers? Wear our BluePeak yellow lenses to lower the amount of fake blue light entering your eyes.
Nighttime SleepWell Range
Rama deep orange lens glasses are for indoor nighttime use. After the sun has gone down, full protection from artificial blue light is absolutely necessary. To use computers or other screens at night, your must protect your eyes from the strong blue light with SleepWell lenses that block out all the blue wavelengths. Protect that melatonin at all costs. Do not wear these for driving at night.
When to use blue light glasses
Knowing when to use your blue light glasses is key to understanding how to protect yourself both from artificial blue light and avoid blocking out the natural blue light from the sun. Following these simple rules can have you back to an awesome nights sleep within days. Both types of lenses are for indoor use only and when in the presence of artificial light either from screens or overhead lighting. Please do not use these outdoors in sunlight, as you will affect the natural light frequencies which we need to connect to.
Daytime ClearBlok and DayBlok Lenses
Rama yellow BluePeak glasses are for indoor use during the day, especially at work, under artificial lighting while using the computer. Do you sit in meeting rooms or work under fluorescent light using computers? Wear our BluePeak yellow lenses to lower the amount of fake blue light entering your eyes.
Nighttime SleepWell Range
Rama deep orange lens glasses are for indoor nighttime use. After the sun has gone down, full protection from artificial blue light is absolutely necessary. To use computers or other screens at night, your must protect your eyes from the strong blue light with SleepWell lenses that block out all the blue wavelengths. Protect that melatonin at all costs. Do not wear these for driving at night.